Form Description: Whenever you leave your children in the care of someone else, whether it is family members, friends, or a babysitter, it never hurts to let them know what the family rules are. One of the best ways that you can do that, and also allow your children to know exactly what is and isn’t allowed, is to make use of this Family Information Sheet. With this simple form you will be able to list everything from your family’s allergies, to the favorite movies, to what your pets are allowed to do and not. Definitely a huge help for any family. Who ever said that your household paperwork needs to be boring? Have a little fun with your paperwork by using this fancy version of the Family Information Sheet. It still allows you to maintain all of the important information that you need while also allowing you to have a bit of fun at the same time.
Form Orientation: Portrait orientation
Copies: 1 copy per page
See the actual form further down this page.